The consortium of the ‘RE-FEM – Upskilling pathways for REsiliency in the post-Covid era for FEMale Entrepreneurs’ (2022-1-HU01-KA220-ADU-000089295) project gathered for the first time. The 2-day kick-off meeting was successfully held on 15-16 December 2022.

The 3-year Erasmus+ project will be implemented with a partnership of 7 other organisations under the lead of HETFA Research Institute: SEED Foundation (Hungary), Andalucía Emprende Fundación Pública Andaluza (Spain), Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania (Romania), Regional Agency for Entrepreneurship and Innovations (Bulgaria), Mihajlo Pupin Institute (Serbia), Slovak Business Agency (Slovakia), Brand-Sofi (Finland). The RE-FEM project’s goal is to work on decreasing gender inequality in entrepreneurship by supporting the capacity building of adult educators and women entrepreneurs.

The kick-off meeting was hosted in Bratislava by the Slovak Business Agency. The event’s main aim was to establish the main framework of project management and lay the foundations of good cooperation. The partnership had 2 excellent days of discussing several topics and co-working on several tasks necessary to start project implementation.