The city of Malaga (Spain) hosted the 5th International Meeting of Women Leaders of the Americas (Mujeres Líderes de América). A movement born to fight for equality and the empowerment of women in all areas and of which more than 50,000 women and men from Spain and the American continent are part of.

Our ambassador Rosa Siles, Director of Andalucía Emprende, acted as speaker to more than 100 women, presenting our RE-FEM project in her speech entitled “Entrepreneurship with women’s DNA” and encouraged women entrepreneurs to participate in our survey.

This International Meeting of Women Leaders of America is the only meeting this year 2023 in Europe. An International Meeting that brought together great international women speakers from all professional fields, it also offered round tables made up of participants of the highest level, with topics such as Technology and Sustainability among many others. An event of all and for all, women and also men committed to equality and equality and helped to promote women’s leadership.

With professionals connected from all continents, Mujeres Líderes de América is one of the main international communities focused on promoting female leadership, empowering women from different sectors through face-to-face meetings held periodically in different countries, whose objective is to be a point of connection between multidisciplinary women who share inspiring, personal or professional experiences.