The city of Cadiz (Spain) hosted on 22 June the Forum of Women Leaders in the Blue Economy, where female leadership in the Blue Economy, a strategic sector for the province of Cadiz and Andalusia, full of challenges and aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda, was made visible and promoted.

Andalucía Emprende, a partner in the RE-FEM project presented the European RE-FEM Project “Upskilling pathways for REsiliency in the post-Covid era for FEMale Entrepreneurs. The event counted with the collaboration of experts, supporting innovation and entrepreneurship”, as well as interesting entrepreneurial experiences led by women.

This space for dialogue was attended by women and men, professionals, managers, entrepreneurs, scientists, institutions, companies, students, etc. from the entire value chain of the blue economy, with a programme of presentations, round tables and networking of the highest level, mainly led by women’s companies and analysing especially the role of business women in the blue economy: past, present and future.

At institutional level, the event was attended by Ana Carrera, Deputy for Employment of the province of Cadiz; Maria Jesús Mosquera, Vice-Rector for Science Policy of the University of Cadiz; Inmaculada Olivero, Territorial Delegate of the Regional Ministry of Economy, Finance and European Funds and Industrial Policy, Energy and Mines; Rocío Reinoso, President of the Social Council of the Pablo de Olavide University and Ana María Sanjuán, Councillor for Green City and Energy Transition of the City Council of Cadiz.

It was a great opportunity for ANDALUCÍA EMPRENDE to present our European project RE-FEM to relevant actors related to female entrepreneurship and the female entrepreneurs attending the event were also invited to participate in our online survey.