RE-FEM partners gathered in Budapest between 20-22 November 2023, for a Joint Staff Training in November, to discuss the next steps of the project. A key point was the status of the Research Report – and we are delighted to announce that it has been released!

During the three-day event, RE-FEM partners met in person, to update each other on the progress of the project, and discuss major upcoming tasks, such as developing the Training Manual.

The first day was about reviewing the progress of the project, led by Katalin Oborni, the coordinator of the project at HETFA. Topics such as motivational videos, the Open Education Platform, dissemination, social media activity, Local Engagement Plans, establishing an international LinkedIn group, and the Training Manual were discussed. Recommendations for the latter one was presented by Orsolya Gergely on behalf of Sapeintia, based on the Research Results.

On the second day of the meeting, attendees proceeded to discuss the Training Manual, focusing on how to develop a manual consisting of innovative training materials and concepts for trainers, adult educators, and mentors. The day continued with the subject of sustainability in times of crisis and the personal resilience, well-being, and gender implications of being a woman. It finished with a surprise program organised by the local members, in the Buda Castle. The participants got an exclusive tour of the renovated Royal Riding Hall, and finished the trip with a joint networking dinner.

The last, third day of the Joint Staff Training was filled with fruitful discussions on mentor programmes on resilience, gaining access to financing – innovation – and local or international markets, and gender sensitive education.

The three-day meeting ended with a circle of each attendee sharing their experiences and the impact this event had on them! Listening to this gave a great boost of motivation to the partners! After enjoying a lunch together, the participants said their goodbyes, to return home and continue working on the project.