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DoboGO (Hungary)


The event called DoboGO took place on 8 March, with the mission to celebrate and strengthen the community of women entrepreneurs. SEED Foundation believes that female entrepreneurs are critical agents […]

Women in public life, Sapientia Podcast (Hungarian)

Nők a közéletben. A Sapientia Podcast meghívottja Sógor Enikő, Csíkszereda Megyei Jogú Város alpolgármestere (Women in public life, Sapientia Podcast guest Enikő Sógor, Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Csíkszereda) In 2023, […]

8M – Female Entrepreneurship (Spanish)

Andalucía Emprende, partner of the RE-FEM project organises an event on 8 March focusing on female entrepreneurship, highlighting the importance of role models. Follow the event online in Spanish!