Women’s Entrepreneurship Day – WED Hungary –

On 22 November 2022, Oborni Katalin (HETFA, HU) participated in a roundtable discussion on advocacy opportunities for women entrepreneurs. Watch the recording (in Hungarian): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=022kGW3dAxE

DoboGO (Hungary)

DoboGO , Hungary

The event called DoboGO took place on 8 March, with the mission to celebrate and strengthen the community of women entrepreneurs. SEED Foundation believes that female entrepreneurs are critical agents of change and one of the most important areas to be supported is COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT and NETWORKING. Being part of an entrepreneurial community supports and […]

Erdély TV, Woman-to-woman about women’s rights (Hungarian)

International Women's Day is coming up, a day to celebrate women. Do we need flowers or real equality? Interview with Tünde Csatlos and her guests on Nőszemközt. Orsolya Gergely, sociologist and project manager of the RE-FEM project on behalf of Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania has participated in this discussion ans share her thoughts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RrTd3I9Lh4

Radio of Cluj Napoca, Rooftop: Seeing beyond skirts and trousers (Hungarian)

Kolozsvári Rádió, Tetőterasz: Túllátni a szoknyán, nadrágon.(Radio of Cluj Napoca, Rooftop: Seeing beyond skirts and trousers) Orsolya Gergely, sociologist and project manager of the RE-FEM project on behalf of Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania has participated in this radio interview and and shared her thoughts. Check out the discussion on the following link.

Women in public life, Sapientia Podcast (Hungarian)

Nők a közéletben. A Sapientia Podcast meghívottja Sógor Enikő, Csíkszereda Megyei Jogú Város alpolgármestere (Women in public life, Sapientia Podcast guest Enikő Sógor, Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Csíkszereda) In 2023, women no longer march on the streets on Women's Day, they already have their rights and even get flowers. On the Sapientia Podcast, Orsolya Gergely […]

8M – Female Entrepreneurship (Spanish)

Andalucía Emprende, partner of the RE-FEM project organises an event on 8 March focusing on female entrepreneurship, highlighting the importance of role models. Follow the event online in Spanish!