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Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: Insights from the RE-FEM Pilot Trainings
The RE-FEM project, an innovative Erasmus+ initiative, aims to enhance the resilience and success ofwomen entrepreneurs across Europe. Through a series of pilot trainingsconducted in various countries,this project has provided female entrepreneurs with valuable...
RE-FEM in a Nutshell: a poster summarising the main points of the RE-FEM project
Those, who meet the representative Project Partners of RE-FEM on a conference, will probably encounter our poster, that gives a brief summary of our project. Even though we constantly strive to give a good summary of the progress of the project, we are aware, that it...
Pilot Trainings for Trainers and Women Entrepreneurs
RE-FEM partners have been busy organizing our pilot training sessions for both trainers and women entrepreneurs over the past few months! These pilot trainings are essential for testing the materials prepared by RE-FEM and improving them based on participant feedback....
TOP3 Support for Restarting Business & Actions to Mitigate Challenges After the Pandemic
Here comes the second part of the Data Visualization series! In this post we introduce the TOP3 Professional Support Measures for Restarting Businesses, as well as the Actions Taken in Enterprise to Mitigate Challenges After the Pandemic. Communicating about research...
Data Visualization of the Research Results
Communicating about research results is a key part of all major projects, therefore RE-FEM as well. Data visualization helps to tell stories by presenting complex information in a form easier to understand, focusing on the patterns and outliers. A good visualization...
Elérhető a SEED megújult „RajtUp – Lépj az Elérem a céljaimat mezőre” üzlettámogatási programja
Már vállalkozói célterülenként és vállalkozói életfázishoz igazodó csomagokban is elérhető a SEED megújult „RajtUp – Lépj az Elérem a céljaimat mezőre” üzlettámogatási programja! Felvetődött már Benned hasonló gondolat, mint • Annyi jó ötletem van, végre...
RE-FEM Partners met in Budapest
RE-FEM partners gathered in Budapest between 20-22 November 2023, for a Joint Staff Training in November, to discuss the next steps of the project. A key point was the status of the Research Report – and we are delighted to announce that it has been released! During...
RE-FEM project Research Report
The RE-FEM project consortium has reached an important milestone, the publishing of the Research Report. The report provides results on the impact of COVID-19 and all other crises that came after the pandemic and affected women entrepreneurs. The research was...
RE-FEM research results were introduced at conferences acrosss Europe
The RE-FEM project has recently been featured at multiple conferences, highlighting our commitment to dissemination and science communication as integral components of our initiative. We are excited to share insights from three key events where we presented our...
2nd transnational meeting in the framework of the RE-FEM project
The transnational online meeting of the ‘RE-FEM – Upskilling pathways for REsiliency in the post-Covid era for FEMale Entrepreneurs’ (2022-1-HU01-KA220-ADU-000089295) project was held on 20-21 September 2023 with the involvement of all 8 partners. The consortium...